I thrive on crafting impactful solutions that seamlessly blend innovation with purpose, all while delving deep into the intricacies of human experiences and needs

Iā€™m currently working with the talented people of Shopify designing tools for merchants all over the world, and learning about the people we're designing for. 

My previous design work spans a range of services and devices such as wearables, voice interfaces, mobile, web apps, and beyond.

I have a few past lives too.

They include being a craftsperson, a carrot farmer, and a senior consultant in Advisory with a major professional services firm where I worked in interesting domains such as nuclear power and jet fuel.

And then I went to Industrial Design school - this diverse background eventually led me to discover the intersection of people, technology, society, and business known as design.

These days Iā€™m interested in projects that are NBDs (Never Been Dones) and I have a soft spot for Canadian startups.